Saturday, March 26, 2011

Even the Cats are Freindly

Taking a moment to appreciate the finer things in life. A village tabby! Note the bricks in the background. This is typicall building material out here as they are quarried from limestone chalk probably a bit further south in the desert. Also, the adobe material is used still quite a bit in the villages I noticed.


  1. Hey- lookout for those cats over there; I heard they can be vicious, real bad scratchers.

    How about that? looks like scratchers isn't even a word. Anyhow, you get the idea.

    Well, in the immortal words of Alice Cooper: "School's out for summer"- almost, right?

    Can't wait to see you guys, especially Corryn- Dave and I look forward to Grizzlies and conspiring on Morrison Day ideas. Sigh, I just know this is gonna be the worst Morrison day ever, heh,heh.

    Have a safe return. Oh, by the way, the country's really falling to pieces so you might want to think twice about coming back.

    Too, I just perused your wedding materials, poems etc. and was reminded of what a classy affair that whole thing was: definitely the highlight of Simmer 2010!

    btw-I never check my gmail account so if you want to reply try esp.

